13 M / 13 M
Nessaja HUMANS
Дата регистрации | 30 Августа 2018 |
Посл. посещ. форума | 8 Марта 2025 |


And yes, I stick to my opinion. Let's just say that we agree to disagree.
I really don't know what world you all live in. But I'm not here to be your social welfare office. Can you imagine that not everyone can give you a hand and that I've had my own experiences too?
Час лежит или сутки, не твоё - проходи дальше)
На улице кошелёк не поднимай, а то попадёшь на скрытую камеру)
Was auch immer man sagen mag, er hat Ressourcen gestohlen)
Es ist eine Stunde oder ein Tag, es gehört nicht dir – mach weiter)
Heben Sie Ihr Portemonnaie nicht auf der Straße auf, sonst werden Sie von einer versteckten Kamera gefilmt)
Dieser Spieler stiehlt Ressourcen sogar von seinen Allianzmitgliedern. Hast du dir auf diese Weise 10 M Status gestohlen? Das alles ist abscheulich...
But what do you expect? There was free debris in the galaxy for hours. I spent hours mining it and now, according to you, I'm the asshole? It would be better to say that you are incompetent and should mine your debris in the future when it is created. An enemy could have stolen the debris at any time.
Your name was not on the debris and I would simply advise you to coordinate future actions better
- VS -, Тень
You're not in an alliance, I don't know you. you accuse me of being a Nazi because I'm German and continue to insult me. and that even though I didn't steal any resources from you...
Do you really expect me to crawl up your ass afterwards? yes, then I got the resources. But that was just because of your behavior
if you have lost a few resources and have to cry because of it go to your mother.
be glad you didn't have any losses