Pirate resown very low

Группа guest
This is not "complain", it really is not.

I just wonder what is reason that you make these Pirates so few?
If there are no Pirates and resources are hard to get anyway, most players save their fleet and get somewhere is taking ages, how do you want us to play?
Buying maybe with real money? Do you look around at the world and see what's going on? Even in my Opinion <-- game is awesome but very expensive and challenging.

What is the reason that you did this? If is not going to ban me for asking, last time they banned me for 2 weeks, there is no option to have an opinion or real question, just don't get mad please.
I am asking because I want to play and you make me really if you Worth my money and "My Time" or finally is time to move on.

I did have 3 accounts Premium: Human, Zerg, and Toss and no question asked worth, I really mean and if i can contribute for keeping game up, than I understand, but somehow you find way to
make it more and more hard to play, is there is no any person there that actually thinks about players? In Senat all is really amazing and Admins really doing good job, why mess it up for no reason.

Even make topic cost 5 HC <--- Are you for real?
7 Сентября 2022 23:00:02
7 Сентября 2022 23:00:02
Группа guest
Dear DjSoulJammer, I tell you how I think this game works from the administrative point of view, to begin with it is important to understand that for some strange reason the company does not want the number of active players to increase too much since this implies a greater use of the servers and It seems that this is not profitable. Following this same line, the company is not interested in players who, without spending real money, can progress in the game spending hours and hunting pirates, without realizing that these players are the bait of the players who pay. ( For the same reason little performance at the expense of the server). That´s why they nerf pirate spawn.
This is a typical case of a company whose administrators are unable to take the next step in the growth of their company and choose to stay as they are or even worse, go back to previous stages.
The ideal clientele for this management project seems to be huge scoring players who spend regularly or spent a lot to sit by and watch the great fleets and OPS they have (and they rarely fight each other). Inexperienced new players who are unable to figure out how things work here and spend their HC on fleets and resources, then get looted by the vulture players who remain with a low score and then after having spent a certain amount of real money they leave the game.
And this is a perverse dynamic, because they will not be able to increase the purchase of HC, so they will continue to throttle the players to force them to buy HC, which will continue without happening. So until the final defeat, pure Soviet style....
8 Сентября 2022 00:09:44
8 Сентября 2022 00:09:44
Репутация -2490
Группа relict 16 3 74 Сообщений 666
Цитата: DjSoulJammer
I just wonder what is reason that you make these Pirates so few?
Thank you for your attention to our project.
We decide that many pirates make only one strategy in our game: collecting debris from pirates. We think it's more interesting to use different strategies for progress.

Цитата: DjSoulJammer
Even make topic cost 5 HC <--- Are you for real?
Yes. It makes us possible not to miss really important topics from our users.
8 Сентября 2022 10:39:55
8 Сентября 2022 10:39:55
Группа guest
Honestly Vasya
Now even If some players want to make anything will take them so much time, and we do Attack but I see many friends are leaving because there is no much to do, I can promise you that if this go on like this most people I know will just give up, you will see
8 Сентября 2022 11:32:07
8 Сентября 2022 11:32:07
Репутация 77
Группа toss Альянс United Nations 42 36 104 Очков 1 633 835 Сообщений 15
Hello. I can´t agree more to DjSoulJammer,

This game is becoming more and more unplayable. Even spending hydarians.

This game company should understand that there are lots of games that provide a very decent game experience for unexpensive amounts of money.

I am sure there are enough premium users to provide a steady income. I am also sure there are users that spend unreasonable amounts of money trying to become really powerful. Not having the company income report at hand, I am quite sure income is more than enough to have a decent working server and maintain a team of devs to make upgrades to it.

The graphics of this game are way below industry standards. Any AI is nonexistent. One could even think that the "enemy AI" are the poor noobs that believe that just by pirate hunting can get somewhere but recycled by money-paying players.

Maybe you don´t care and you just want to leave this game die. In that case, you´re in the right path.
8 Сентября 2022 18:49:42
8 Сентября 2022 18:49:42
Репутация 26
Группа toss Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 50 105 316 Очков 3 850 186 Сообщений 374
Arthemix, the game will not die.. the reason is very simple.. there are still enough new registrations and a large proportion of them deposit money before these players even begin to know the game...
On the other hand, the old players, who already have a certain size, will deposit less... also, a big player needs more space on the server than many small customers.... The goal is not to have a regular customer, but to have one Constant replenishment of new customers who make room for the next new customers after paying, in which they soon leave the game.... this saves server space and increases sales at the same time.....

VasyaMalevich, Well, I can understand quite well that it counts as progress for you... but. For the players this is not progress and no development.... as far as strategies are concerned, the cutback of pirates is at the same time the cutback of strategic paths, which some occasional fighters like to use....
The old-classic flight/combat strategies with quick surprise attacks against naval bases are not becoming more common either, since this way of playing is not exactly convenient for most players and if it is to be profitable, then it is also insanely time-consuming, so that even I with all my possibilities only manage to fly once a week.... earlier when there was less pruning i could play more and also motivate more people to stay and play regardless of their interests in investments....
be so kind and give something back to the players, because that would also increase your sales - I'm also sure that there is still space on the server for more players and you can also save server space in other ways.... not For my sake, because I don't hunt pirates and single flagships that depend on pirates are just as uninteresting for my fleet specification - but for the sake of the players...
more strategy options incl. more pirates = more fun from everybody incl. your fun....
13 Сентября 2022 05:53:24
13 Сентября 2022 05:53:24
Группа guest
Well, I just cancelled my Premium not paying another penny as this game seems to be getting worse.
20 Сентября 2022 18:30:54
20 Сентября 2022 18:30:54
Группа guest
Vasya little question for:

What is this logic on 10% of resources from fights? Honestly, is there anyone in your Team of Admins that actually have logic in all this Madness?

So is it really that you don't want us to play? or what it is, maybe I need another glasses to see, maybe a different focus, or maybe your Admins really need Huge Glasses and some other things?

So you saying how you reduce Pirates because you think players just fighting pirates and not fighting each other that is the reason you reduce them, even in my opinion if they are, let them do that, We will have more targets soon or later and this is nothing wrong with that, OK then.
Now every Fight is also reduced to 10% only of resources, OK then.
So now, to make resources you have to Fight depilation + amortisation+ no resources from Pirates (or no pirates or if they are 10% is resources) from the fight only 10% of resources you can have, So my question is: How do you want us to play this? For real? Your Prices of HC are 50% up ( was 20$ for 1000 HC now is 30$) Vasya if you spend 8 hours a day in the game and use your time in the GAME. 8 hours of your life, and still struggle to make any of the results, what is worth playing?

Why do you keep changing for the worst? Why not make us play easy and have fun? Then you make your own profit, I don't mind but don't change anything for the worst?
Officers are Hugely expensive, especially at high levels. Just another question for you: Will you buy Warden for 48312 HC or in real money 1275$? And this is one Officer only from all you need to play this in a good way, What about Mantrid? To get level 10 you need 100 000 HC, which means 2550$ where are all 24 Officers? To get them you can buy House in Portugal, did you know that?

It is hard for you to see what people need to keep playing and enjoying? Big money is made from small sales in big numbers, so can you imagine 5000 people buying 1000 HC for 5 or 10$, and how much is that in long run? Much better than now you selling 200 people with 30 $, but in small sales, everyone can buy and play, will be much easy for everyone to make something in the game and have fun.
also, you can make some profit from the effort you have for the game.

I am already Premium and I don't mind to keep contributing to the game throughout my life, also something that you can cover your expenses which I understand but honestly, Bro 20 $ per month, and I still struggle to play and make something in the game and everything has to be slow and hard, how you can enjoy all this?

I am just realistic and also spend my time and if I do make mistake and lose my fleet, to come back in the game and make something from it will make me another few years, so is it worth, really?

Don't be mad and block me for my opinion, I love the game, that's why I am here and I do care but don't make me think if is it worth my time.
20 Сентября 2022 19:56:33
20 Сентября 2022 19:56:33
Репутация -188
Группа Terminator 98 7 48 Сообщений 8236
Цитата: DjSoulJammer
is there anyone in your Team of Admins that actually have logic in all this Madness?

The logic was announced many times over, people just refuse to accept it. I guess it was discussed mostly on Russian forums, maybe it wasn't explained in other languages' forums.
In short, this game is positioned as a strategy, but it isn't one. Administration tries to move it away from arcade-style, online-dependent gameplay of “scan unsaved fleet, jump on it with the biggest advantage you can, collect debris and get richer”. The goal is to have a game where fleet is a tool to gain long term control over resource-generating targets, not a resource-producer by itself. We're okay with using fleet to steal resources from objects, but we don't like fleets themselves being just piñatas for someone to break.

Цитата: DjSoulJammer
How do you want us to play this?

As a hardcore sandbox MMO. Beat the stuff out of other players: occupy planets, capture asteroids, track comets. Fleet should be used to kill anyone who tries to stop you, not as a combination metal-mineral mine in itself.

Цитата: DjSoulJammer
Why not make us play easy and have fun?

Because your fun is someone's else misery. That's how zero-sum games work, and Xcraft strives to be that kind of game. It isn't there yet: game may lacks targets to compete for, may have imbalances between resource generators and sinks. But it's going that way.

Цитата: DjSoulJammer
It is hard for you to see what people need to keep playing and enjoying?

The genre administration wants is not one that most people want.
An example. In a few months after launch, Amazon lost about 99% of their initial audience who came to play their hyped new MMO, because they discovered it was in PvP-sandbox genre, not “theme-park” as most popular ones. And that epic fail was from a studio which had all the budgets and marketing wisdoms of goddamn Amazon! (Game was also a buggy mess, which didn't help, but I believe the main problem was going for the “wrong” genre.)
So, we know, that most people want to get showered in nice things. But this game is simply not supposed to to that.

Цитата: DjSoulJammer
I still struggle to play and make something in the game and everything has to be slow and hard, how you can enjoy all this?

We're sorry that our major changes have broken the playstyle you've developed. This game is still technically unreleased, and such changes are inevitable.

Цитата: DjSoulJammer
Don't be mad and block me for my opinion

Why? Your feedback is great. I can see that you're frustrasted, but you're not breaking rules.
20 Сентября 2022 22:35:13
20 Сентября 2022 22:35:13
Группа guest
Цитата: DjSoulJammer
Why not make us play easy and have fun? Then you make your own profit
Some people drive Toyota Corolla, and have fun, some prefer Maserati. Vasja hopes, his project like Bentley or Rolls-Royce, and only few people can use this "product".
If you can't follow his dreams, - you can be free. Vasja don't like to be Toyota Corolla.
20 Сентября 2022 23:52:50
20 Сентября 2022 23:52:50
Группа guest
Wow that's is good for me UncleanOne thank you to point that all, now for me all make sense and I don't see myself play like that, I am originally in this game from over 9 years, I left and come back and now changing game nature from one to another it is your choice ad it is fine for me, you just saved me a lot of time and money. So, I will not play it anymore and THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR kind support and all help from here guys. I AM MOVING ON and going to set my game here for you. You lost one member today changing game and I hope you will get where you need to be probably fast but thats not for me.

Thank you and have awesome play

21 Сентября 2022 01:29:19
21 Сентября 2022 01:29:19
Репутация 26
Группа toss Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 50 105 316 Очков 3 850 186 Сообщений 374
So it is desirable that everyone plays like me...searches for gas - robs people - and sells their souls and laughs at them for their stupid play including senseless waste of money...
double the flight speed of all ship types (and half battle duration for destroying the ships!) and i could kill daily..... everything else is of no interest to me for the simple reason that time is a scarcity factor...... if i am to rid the galaxy of fools across the board, then i need up-to-date A good 10 hours of flight time for several idiots, including planning and preparation..... that's a long time and I don't have this time on days when I have to do my job -- the preparation alone and the first approach to the first victim takes longer than What free time I have on a working day.... make the ships faster and I'll do the favor for you.... :-p

But if the administration wanted to increase the money investments of those addicted to gambling/shoppers - I have to disappoint you, I won't invest any for the simple reason: there is a brothel near me that has recently had Russian hookers and I've never had one russians really fucked.... :-p
To force me to deposit you have to send me drugs and hookers..... That would be even more interesting to me than the lame game....

PS: I advise against the consumption of drugs, as this can lead to physical damage.. I also advise against the use of hookers, as this can also lead to venereal diseases....
21 Сентября 2022 02:38:56
21 Сентября 2022 02:38:56
Репутация 63
Группа Government Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 170 63 102 Очков 36 691 189 Сообщений 757
Цитата: UncleanOne
The logic was announced many times over, people just refuse to accept it. I guess it was discussed mostly on Russian forums, maybe it wasn't explained in other languages' forums.
In short, this game is positioned as a strategy, but it isn't one. Administration tries to move it away from arcade-style, online-dependent gameplay of “scan unsaved fleet, jump on it with the biggest advantage you can, collect debris and get richer”. The goal is to have a game where fleet is a tool to gain long term control over resource-generating targets, not a resource-producer by itself. We're okay with using fleet to steal resources from objects, but we don't like fleets themselves being just piñatas for someone to break.
In my opinion, the opportunity to spend money is the main reason why players are not willing to learn advanced game strategies and therefore never learn the essence of the entire game mechanics including navigating through the fleet menu......
I run a German speaking chat where I take on students who don't want/can't spend any money and are so willing to learn something and funnily enough even illiterate and drug addicted brainless players manage to learn all the mechanics.....since the strategy options in the has been greatly reduced in recent years and attacking players has actually been made much easier in terms of mechanics.....

However, most noobs who are willing to invest a little money right from the start in the premium side, for the premium, buying hydarian crystals, ect are not ready to learn... they think that if they have bought, they have enough advantage... Example - a noob who has less than 10K points with Premium would be e.g. quite difficult to attack on his Ripper, since there is a planetary protection on it and what does the noob do after his purchase? he buys a flagship and leaves it on his main planet with almost no defense and doesn't send it on expedition... no wonder players with 50K size can rob him and he hasn't learned anything.... he doesn't even have the menu viewed but only bought and believes that this is the secret of the game...... and when you try to train him, he doesn't listen and just grabs his credit card again..... this player will never comet, asteroid or the Look at flight mechanics and hiding places as well as the data sheets of the individual ship types according to flight speed and warm-up phase.....
the ability to spend money before gaining experience is what spoils players, not the excess of resources! the resources are actually marginal... the noob who registers today doesn't know if that's a lot of resources or little - while yesterday's buyer is dissatisfied that the resources have diminished instead of looking closer at the game mechanics... indeed it is still possible to play with a strategy for free - but the change only reduces the development opportunity, which means that you look at the premium instead of studying the game mechanics....

My suggestion is therefore a completely different approach - namely that players from 100,000 static points first have access to the premium purchase page and only from 100,000 static points are given the opportunity to buy hydarian crystals.... then they are forced to take a closer look at the game mechanics first instead of buying options..... that would be much better and more effective than constantly increasing the costs of all kinds of things and reducing the potential yields of the resources...... then you have STRATEGENS in the game who, after gaining enough experience, then become reasonable can shop and stay satisfied.... similar to the way people of full age are only considered to be business-minded and are only allowed to buy cigarettes and alcohol from the age of 19 and are not stuffed with them immediately after birth.....

But the problem is, and the Kaiser wrote about it in the Russian forum, that you want to get rid of the old players - those who already know strategies and occasionally teach new players... so we really have the feeling that your boss is getting rid of the old players want to have new dumb clueless buyers who can be scammed by you guys......
The main thing is to save space for dumb newcomers who pay and leave, so that there is always room for the constant influx of new payers, which are then sold again with updates to make room for the next customer.... to achieve the maximum possible customer flooding up a single server..... is more effective to have 100,000 paying non-gaming edition than having 40,000 players cluttering the server.....????

yes.. i grew fast the first two years although i didn't spend any money because i had effectively used the fleet menu and the battle reports interested me less than using the flight mechanics which can be used much more effectively...... I also described the flight mechanics in the German forum, but the newcomers look at premium instead of information about the game mechanics.... I can't do anything to make the players use more strategies as long as they are distracted by this shit - except this one to let half-blind people die.....

and about 1.5 years ago I have no interest in building anything or using any strategy when updates only come every few weeks with completely illogical arguments that cannot even match the facts of the update....

sorry for my bad english - besides I don't have the time right now....
21 Сентября 2022 04:16:04
21 Сентября 2022 04:16:04
Репутация 26
Группа toss Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 50 105 316 Очков 3 850 186 Сообщений 374
..in addition, the main motive for fighting is "resources" and never personal matters..... as in real life, war is waged for economic reasons and never for reasons of faith..... belief is only given by the elitists to the population, so that the population is more willing to fight for the economic situation of the elitists.....

I don't believe in a god.... I'm elitist - and being an elitist or a believer like a farmer doesn't depend on rank but on character and activities....
21 Сентября 2022 05:30:11
21 Сентября 2022 05:30:11
Группа guest
BTW, just a little Question, IF THIS GAME IS FOR SALE just let me know. I will be more than happy to pay and get this game as owner?
21 Сентября 2022 05:33:32
21 Сентября 2022 05:33:32
Репутация 63
Группа Government Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 170 63 102 Очков 36 691 189 Сообщений 757
DjSoulJammer, it is not for sale.... there was already a purchase offer, but the offer was far too low for the emperor.... and it was bid far in excess of its actual value...
21 Сентября 2022 05:35:27
21 Сентября 2022 05:35:27
Группа guest
With the changes that have been made in recent years and the events in recent days, it is clear that for some unknown reason the developers want us to stop playing this game. Well, let's give them a taste. I have already canceled my premium subscription and I have stopped playing, for granted that I am not even going to buy HC for Christmas. I invite you all to do the same. It seems that the crazy emperor wants to know how far he can keep screwing all the players and that nothing happens. It is up to you to clear him of doubt.
22 Сентября 2022 14:15:44
22 Сентября 2022 14:15:44
Группа guest
12 Апреля 2023 00:18:10
12 Апреля 2023 00:18:10
Репутация 168
Группа Government Альянс BATTLESTAR 222 35 74 Очков 39 693 144 Сообщений 113
Цитата: UncleanOne
We're okay with using fleet to steal resources from objects, but we don't like fleets themselves being just piñatas for someone to break

Counterintuitive that you have a competition just for this
12 Апреля 2023 06:33:43
12 Апреля 2023 06:33:43
Репутация 12
Группа xerj Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 75 81 62 Очков 4 915 685 Сообщений 75
With production being cut, pirates rates lowered and fact that much bigger fleet takes literally no losses in combat all newer players are now piñatas. In my humble opinion this is just another deliberate step to make people go on their own and avoid problem with shuting down game while people have paid premiums.

Please tell me what we are supposed to do below 1-2M points to boost economy? Building mines does not pay off in years with CRP+depletion, OPS are totally out of reach before gravity weapon and getting a moon, even if not destroyed straight away would cost few years of production on max planets. Lexx without Celestial shadow 10 is so slow that with such a sparse universe it barely makes more than planet production. Pirates were literraly the only way.
12 Апреля 2023 16:23:31
12 Апреля 2023 16:23:31


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