In coordenates that give support to the central trops, is given this specifications, as an alternative solution on this factor.
1,000 trops stablish with special commands and Generals and Admirants give support to specific coordenates, and give occupation into enemy coordenates, to stablish a consolidate format of batallion, is given this specifications to take control under enemy coordinates and get resources from, the Federation is given this support since 1 cicle, and now the command orders has been broken; give to 400 trops command to defend the flank, and sent Steel Fithers into defencive coordenates to create a block, into rebels coordinates, until the goverment get stablish a consolidate of commands and get the society on the standars tha support the Central Base.
Until the end of the soldiers, is giving the directional, to stablish the base on the central command, and get the Defend that the system needs. To get this action, get 800 trops in order of batallion, and stablish the occupation in the coordinates commanded, no give agretion, because this generate politic pathers that no give the support, 450 trops in order of batallion, is present on the coordetates that give on flank, is recognize by your explorers, and give this support requeir is by the standars that ussualy is stablish by the central command, so no agrettion pathern and take the trops present any time in curse.
Preparing a good defence fortification, on the coordenates stablish to re-arm the commerce since this can not be arise as is pretend to be stablish; no good decition is take the 1000 trops to defend the central commdance and no support the Alliance depot.-
350 units- 3 Steel Fither- 7 Battlefild- 9 Fither
And the flavor of the unit, figthing and re-stablishing the point of controls.
Central Commandance. Cetron.