Commander, Emperor and harvesters

Репутация 362
Группа Terminator 184 33 50 Сообщений 5253
Humans harvesters are no longer engage in battle while on the object.
But harvesters enter the battle on coordinates or when docking with objects.

Commander has risen in price.
The officer was returned with compensation for the old cost. We are waiting for suggestions from players about the super bonus for the Commander from 10th level.

The Emperor lost bonus fleet slots. But Emperor added + 1% to shields / attack / defense armor
This is necessary for alignment with other races. We believe that +20 or even +40 fleet slots are needed mainly for the bot-users. In addition, we plan to make fleets on the coordinates in the left menu and therefore it is better to reduce their number.

We are waiting for offers of players on another bonus to the Emperor instead of fleets.

As a rule, players better think up bonuses for officers.
19 Сентября 2018 12:43:11
19 Сентября 2018 12:43:11
Группа guest
The statements "we believe that..." and "therefore it is better" prove that there is no solid argument for Emperor loosing bonus fleet slot.

Do not underestimate capabilities of your users, It is not only the game designers math competent.

If you believe that +20 or +40 are used by bot users, you may examine those users intensively (they must not be a lot).

I wonder, do players will consider +1% to shields/attack/defense/armor good value for money?

The Russian site has more fun than the English one. The appreciation of Russian players for the changes is EPIC!!!!!!
19 Сентября 2018 13:20:20
19 Сентября 2018 13:20:20
Группа guest
Do you really think , anyone of the players find it good what you made, expecially wtih the Commander ????
with actions like this , i dont buy enough HC to reach again lvl 10, was i had, i change my gameplay !

19 Сентября 2018 14:41:53
19 Сентября 2018 14:41:53
Группа guest
is it your goal to increase every officers price so that they cost over $1,000.00 each? you already do price hikes on the officers every time we increase there level and im talking about where is says it will be this price in lets october and when i buy a completely different officer that hike becomes instant. instead of increasing the prices of current officers and making people regret that they spent money and not want to spend anymore. why dont you just add new officers and new aspects to the game that costs money. i can already see with my  income there is no point in me spending money on this game because i will get nowhere in my life time. i like the concept of this game i really do but what you are doing is killing the game. you have a multi million dollar game dont kill it by trying to make it a mighty billion dollar game.

you can hate me or probably ban me but you need to know what you are doing is completely unfair. we buy something and you take it from us and try to sell it back to us at a 100 times higher price. you are stealing from the people who give you money. please just stop and just add new stuff to sell
19 Сентября 2018 16:06:13
19 Сентября 2018 16:06:13
Группа guest
You really ruined the game, in 2 months, congratulations..You did not get enough money from the game, that means you are bad in advertising!! The game was perfect-now you will not get anything except you lost faithful players,who were with you for several years and they devoted their time and money to you!!!!
The game has lost meaning, half of the units are useless,officers (copied from another game) have become meaningless,but it does not matter, it's important that PRICES are constantly scaledCommander, Emperor and harvesters

you can constantly change the game, but you will never regain trust of old players ... I wish you a lot of luck!!!
19 Сентября 2018 16:13:47
19 Сентября 2018 16:13:47
Группа guest
Interesting information from -> => ...FREE my ass?!
Many people come to play and have fun and then they realize the shit storm they are entered.... 
Change the description so people know what they getting in to before they start losing they nerves.... Commander, Emperor and harvesters

Does this graphs mean something to you?
19 Сентября 2018 16:58:26
19 Сентября 2018 16:58:26
Группа guest
Why did i lose 5k experience after the maintenance update?! When i loged out i had 32k and now i am back to 27k, can someone explain please.
19 Сентября 2018 18:35:07
19 Сентября 2018 18:35:07
Группа guest
I can understand some of the reasoning behind the new price system, BUT! it only benifits new players with little hc to begin with. now they can hire several officers on level 1 more easiuly (Allowed me to hire protector to level 2 for less than original level 1) but now that I have been playing for almost a year, these changes are affecting me big time. also, you still do not want my money. a while ago you eagerly took my money when i buy hc. now you say there is a problem with my card. this also happened after a system maintenance update. Bring back december 2017. We had FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the servers hardly went down. The ships performed great. All you have done since then was to sour us on the game. and quest 4 for a newbie player is imposible to do!
Thank you for your time

On earth everyone can hear you scream when admin makes changes 
20 Сентября 2018 00:56:56
20 Сентября 2018 00:56:56
Группа guest
WTF I just got back and relized my fleet slots are reduced by mere by what!
20 Сентября 2018 04:44:52
20 Сентября 2018 04:44:52
Группа guest

post maintenance,  all of my comanders disappeared. I’ve written you guys with regards to the bug, and have not received any response. I have now gone back to purchase the commanders back; however, you have now took my money one time when I maxed my commanders out, and now You’ve taken them away from me and are making me pay  for them again. However, this time at scaled pricing.

There is a word for what you’ve done, THEFT!! You have robbed me. You’ve taken my money for a product, performed maintenance, taken away the product I already bought.  As if that wasn’t bad enough, you’re now ignoring me, which as a result, oNyle gives me the option of  buying back what you’ve stolen, only now I have to pay significantly premium.  

I mean, how would you feel if I broke into your home and stole some items that gave you a sense of comfort, only to find out that when you openned your email, you saw I was sorry to hear that those items were stolen, but nice enough to let you buy some items (oddly identical to your’s) back at a price, doubling after each consecutive purchase...

i looked forward to playing this game nightly, while winding down for the evening; however, I have lost the level of trust I had, which was directly associated with knowing that the goods I purchased from you were mine. You have taken from me my one relaxing comfort, and have pissed all over the bastard substitute you left for me to discover this evening. I’m truly dissapointed that you think so little of your loyal customers... SMH...
20 Сентября 2018 05:17:05
20 Сентября 2018 05:17:05
Репутация 362
Группа Terminator 184 33 50 Сообщений 5253
Quote: SuperPooper

You have got HC for your Commander back on your account. 
20 Сентября 2018 06:59:27
20 Сентября 2018 06:59:27
Группа guest
Doent matter, it doesn’t make up for lost opportunity cost.
21 Сентября 2018 09:19:57
21 Сентября 2018 09:19:57
Репутация 6
Группа toss Альянс United Nations 46 27 67 Очков 1 613 054 Сообщений 28
Why is it so hard for the admin to understand why the players (i.e. customers) are upset at these constant "rebalancing" acts?  

Consider:  We acquire HC (buy, earn, sell res to get) and purchase officers at a specific level in order to fine tune our account in a specific way.  For example, I used my HC to max out the levels of Commander.  Then, one day I log on to find that i have 0 Commander and you gave back the HC that I spent on hiring him.  Then, in order to get the same benefit, i have to spend much more HC.  I spent the money to get a certain level of Commander, and then you changed the terms at what appears to be a whim - in the name of "balance"

As a comparison:  Imagine if you woke up tomorrow and found your car was gone.  In it's place is an envelope with money in it that you paid for your car.  You go to get another car....but now you can only afford (with the money that you got "refunded") an old, beat up car that barely runs because suddenly cars cost MUCH more than when you originally bought yours.

Kind of the same here... "refunding" HC hardly makes up for the massive disadvantage that you put many players into when you make these changes.  And for what.... to defend the position of the high-level players that earn tons of HC thru having trainees or those that buy a lot of HC?  
21 Сентября 2018 10:36:58
21 Сентября 2018 10:36:58
Группа guest
Well, this situation may feel a little bad, but we all agreed to it when we first entered the game...Commander, Emperor and harvesters The rules(that clearly many don´t read, me included) say the following:

6. Rights of the Licensor(going to replace this word with game master due to not knowing a better word for it)Commander, Emperor and harvesters
The Game Master has the following rights:
6.1. at any time, unilaterally restrict, extend, modify Game content without prior notice to Licensee-player;
6.2. to control the Game and the gameplay in its sole discretion, to suspend or modify the game process, to modify the terms of the Game without prior notice to the player;
6.3. to change, delete any information posted on the Resources of the player, including statements and declarations of the player at any time;... ... ...Commander, Emperor and harvesters
21 Сентября 2018 15:56:24
21 Сентября 2018 15:56:24
Репутация 6
Группа toss Альянс United Nations 46 27 67 Очков 1 613 054 Сообщений 28
OK, so that excerpt states the terms to which we agreed (yes, i read them), but that does not explain why they feel the need to constantly make changes, nor should it therefore surprise the admin that the players, who invest time and possibly money, are unhappy when they make such changes. 

Just because you can do something, doesn't make it a good idea to do so...
22 Сентября 2018 08:18:19
22 Сентября 2018 08:18:19
Группа guest
I didn´t say It was a good or a bad idea, I just said that they can do it, and we agreed to it. Commander, Emperor and harvesters
22 Сентября 2018 11:18:27
22 Сентября 2018 11:18:27
Группа guest
Quote: Victoria
are waiting for offers of

THIS is stupid. we never get emperor.
The officers ever get reset to 0 before we can buy.
so all changes in emperor are only for top 10 wich have level 30.
You call that balance ?

Reset costs of emperor, too.
take all bigguns officer , too
Pirate officer and emperor. similar at xerj.
big guns also need to start at 0

22 Сентября 2018 18:49:09
22 Сентября 2018 18:49:09
Группа guest
game has long time ago turned into shit
25 Сентября 2018 14:19:02
25 Сентября 2018 14:19:02


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