I am a rather new player, started a while ago my first colony, and now I am wondering about what buildings to set. Is it neccessary that each colony have the same buildings or is one building enough for all fleets, units to have the benefit? Take the Acid Pool in xerjs: if I place one Acid Pool in my capital (base planet). Will the units I build on my colony then also benefit from the upgrades and more powerfull weapons? Or do I need to build an Acid Pool at every colony to have the ships I build in my colony the same benefits and upgrades?
No bonus is interplanetary. If you have a lvl 1 acid pool somewhere you can't build fleet that needs acid pool 10. So you know all buildings are local.
Hi Thanks for the reply, but that's not my question. I already found out that I need a building for the tech or build tree. My question is different: An example: say I have an acid pool of level 10 at my capital city. That will give a bonus to the units I build. but will it give that bonus also if I build the units on a planet that holds no acid pool? Or only for the units build at my capital city?
You need to level it up to the required level on each planet to be able to build the unit, and if that planet gets attacked, only the acid pool level of that planet goes towards the bonus to defending.
Is it neccessary that each colony have the same buildings or is one building enough for all fleets, units to have the benefit?...
, Well, I don´t know about the normal buildings, but I will try to convince the game administration to let me build a disco in my main planet. I have it all figured out...I´ll serve some vespene drinks and invite some of the best dancers in the universe!!! It´s gonna be super cool!!!
pannylait about your question yes you need to build every building( and lvl up as you go along) in every planet to get the desire result that you need to achieve here in this game. there is no other way around it but if you build your colony near your friend planet which has a Alliance st. then it can bust your resources production only then.