Production of recyclers, providers and distillers was increased

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In accordance with the idea of the Acting Balance Editor Ulrezaj the production of  recyclers, providers and distillers on asteroids was increased by 2 times, at the same time the maximum amount of the units was reduced by 2 times.
It was done for the sake of reducing of the payback period of asteroids.

The quality of the display of three-dimensional scenes was slightly reduced for better performance.

The coefficient of rise in price of weapons technology was reduced to 1.9 which leads to a drop in its price, especially at high levels, but now it gives 7% of attack bonus per level, instead of 8 for terrans.
23 Января 2017 10:44:21
23 Января 2017 10:44:21
Группа guest
dimitrisnik24, that is right dimi this is really annoying as they do what ever they want when ever they want to is really becoming annoying now. sadly i have stopped complaining about this game now as they don't value their players at all as they think that we are a not that value to them in there eyes as we are a free loader in the game who is here only to play so they don't give a dam if it is for you or against you so they don't even think about it so there is no need to complain now they will simple ignore you (that is) so let them do this kind of shit balance over and over again and again in this game so Production of recyclers, providers and distillers was increased
23 Января 2017 22:50:36
23 Января 2017 22:50:36
Группа guest
Cruisers do 0,9 damage on heavies. So do Dreadlisks from what i've seen. Still i do see your point and like i said i'm all for giving us back the resource difference, because without it we're just weaker.
23 Января 2017 22:50:50
23 Января 2017 22:50:50
Группа guest
Rivan, let me corect you dreads now deall allot more since now their weapons price decreased aswell meaning that 0.01 reduction was nulfied simple as that
by reducing terans dmg they aided the other races like toss and dreads wich have techs on armor regeneration and shield regenaration wich we had troubles in the past but now even bigger one due they dont care and the one who made the change hes main is a toss so he knew what he was doing
23 Января 2017 22:55:38
23 Января 2017 22:55:38
Группа guest
WHAT THE AAAAA FUCK?and i just 10 hours ago invested in 11th level of weps tech..and was about to get level 12,just an hour ago....are you fucking SERIOUS???
from all the balances i heard of...this ranks as an imbalance requested by several;instead of just droping the judgement on the thousands of active terrans here...return to us the spent ressources that went wasted on a tech that became pretty weak

-xerjs get that tech far more cheaper..and they can pretty much rape terrans with fast spammable troops (some ignoring shields)

-toss...well do i have to bring toss into the debate???(please i dont wanna here it's made for spenders to rape everyone ese with OP scouts/void rays)

the ress drop compared to the 1% drop is like STUPID,if you say ,the coef is droped to 1.75 ,that would actually make more diffrence,but droping it by a 0.1 price,for a 1% performance (and any idiot knowing the attack of terran units would recognize the weight of 1%,compared to the 0.1 reduction in coef)

this just makes terrans<<<<
24 Января 2017 07:11:39
24 Января 2017 07:11:39
Группа guest
Would appreciate it if somebody could explain about "The coefficient of rise in price of weapons technology..." please. Or perhaps show the calculation, difference between the species.....not sure how many players understand what is going on, I sure don't, else more might complain about it. Thank you.
24 Января 2017 08:25:57
24 Января 2017 08:25:57
Группа guest
The coeficcient is how many times the price rises for each new tech level. until now the coefficient was 2, meaning the cost doubled with each level. Right now the coefficient is 1.9 which means that each level of tech costs 1.9 more than previous one.
24 Января 2017 12:44:49
24 Января 2017 12:44:49
Группа guest
Ahhhh....thank you Rivan. So what Admin did was not only Decreasing the cost from 2 to 1.9, coefficient, but ALSO decrease the Bonus Attack Per Level to 7% instead of 8%, which Decreases the Bonus Attack Per Level across the board for Terran players.

So Coefficient 2 to 1.9 and Bonus Attack Per Level of 8% to 7%.

If the reductions gives advantage to other species, I object too to the reduction.
24 Января 2017 13:47:54
24 Января 2017 13:47:54
Группа guest
Okay, i was out and didn't have access to my computer but now i ran proper calculations in Excel and... i was wrong. I ran it to 100th level of weapons and we still get less damage bonus for simmilar global costs. So I admitt to my mistake and say: this change weakened terrans no matter what the level.
And i still haven't got my answer about the resource difference. Does it mean  we lost it?
25 Января 2017 01:03:13
25 Января 2017 01:03:13
Группа guest
well you think i was sour for no reason and then a idiot comes allong telling me to accept it lol ughh whaever i will make sure hes gameplay will be hellish once he climbs the points up
but by returning the resourses to us terans that aid us and we can call it a balance somewhat even it is still a unbalance whatver
25 Января 2017 01:10:08
25 Января 2017 01:10:08
Группа guest
Rivan dont forget the impossibility to reach lvel 100 :D
they just rape the thousands of active terrans,,to just turn toss....or spend more on their officers to have a lil equality with a toss/xerjs  (who will need less effort)

if you are gonna analy rape us then atleast consider this
-reduce the dmg of draids and pancors,and add some seconds to their firerate
-reduce the CHARGING DEVICE IMPROVEMENT regeneration to 1.7% per level for a 0.2(or 0.3) of cost 

or else 
for xerjs 
-reduce the armor

another way is
for terrans
increase the damn fucking armor to 9% with an increase to coef (that will make up for our lost ressources)

thanks to the fucking math genius that implied this shit--i hope he paid you well enough for this "balance"
25 Января 2017 03:54:53
25 Января 2017 03:54:53


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