The confrontation between Santa Claus and Father Frost, New Year event (2017)
Hello everyone!
Today, in our favorite project the New Year event starts:
Mission 2017: Conquest of Santa Claus and Father Frost
The beginning: December 28, 2016 at 10:00 server time
The end: January 8, 2017 at 18:00 server time
Receiving gifts: after the end of the event, up to January 15, 2017 18:00 server time
After the start of the event you can join the side on the quest page:
The description of the event
For centuries, there is a struggle between the insidious henchmen of Santa Claus and warriors of light of Father Frost for the planet SnowGirls' Heaven [20:1:7]. Click on whose side are you on, and then you will get Christmas Tree that will symbolize your support.
This year's vicious pirates have kidnapped all the conifer cones (pineal charges) of Santa Claus and Father Frost and now they could not charge Christmas Tree. Your task is to find the pirates holding the coordinates in the galaxy and destroy their fleet, and for one to pick up the conifer cones, which are do not belong to them. For each point of battle experience from the downed pirate’s ships of you get 1 conifer cone.
Please note that each side has "modifier" which is a factor of your cones when summing up. For example, if you got hold in the end of the contest N cones modifier M, then the final number of gifts for you is N * M. "Modifier" is changed dynamically depending on the number of players who selected the opposite direction. More players per side - lesser a modifier.
During the event, the number of the pirates appearing on the coordinates will be increased by 3 times.
Side mission:
You have to fight with each of the pirates in the list, destroying their fleet by at least 15 points of battle experience. If successful, you will receive 100 bonus conifer cones. This task can be repeated any number of times.
Top 25 players

The confrontation between Santa Claus and Father Frost
Each side has 3 tables of Top 25 players who distinguished themselves most obstinately helping their side, so they will be awarded with medals which further increase production of resources to 10% within 30 days.
Conversion of tables and statistics of the sides (including the number of total conifer cones) occurs every 5 minutes.
Receiving of gifts
Exchange "rate" of conifer cones on gifts will be announced later on the awards page:
That's all, thank you for your attention.
Today, in our favorite project the New Year event starts:
Mission 2017: Conquest of Santa Claus and Father Frost
The beginning: December 28, 2016 at 10:00 server time
The end: January 8, 2017 at 18:00 server time
Receiving gifts: after the end of the event, up to January 15, 2017 18:00 server time
After the start of the event you can join the side on the quest page:
The description of the event
For centuries, there is a struggle between the insidious henchmen of Santa Claus and warriors of light of Father Frost for the planet SnowGirls' Heaven [20:1:7]. Click on whose side are you on, and then you will get Christmas Tree that will symbolize your support.
This year's vicious pirates have kidnapped all the conifer cones (pineal charges) of Santa Claus and Father Frost and now they could not charge Christmas Tree. Your task is to find the pirates holding the coordinates in the galaxy and destroy their fleet, and for one to pick up the conifer cones, which are do not belong to them. For each point of battle experience from the downed pirate’s ships of you get 1 conifer cone.
Please note that each side has "modifier" which is a factor of your cones when summing up. For example, if you got hold in the end of the contest N cones modifier M, then the final number of gifts for you is N * M. "Modifier" is changed dynamically depending on the number of players who selected the opposite direction. More players per side - lesser a modifier.
During the event, the number of the pirates appearing on the coordinates will be increased by 3 times.
Side mission:
You have to fight with each of the pirates in the list, destroying their fleet by at least 15 points of battle experience. If successful, you will receive 100 bonus conifer cones. This task can be repeated any number of times.
Top 25 players

Each side has 3 tables of Top 25 players who distinguished themselves most obstinately helping their side, so they will be awarded with medals which further increase production of resources to 10% within 30 days.
Conversion of tables and statistics of the sides (including the number of total conifer cones) occurs every 5 minutes.
Receiving of gifts
Exchange "rate" of conifer cones on gifts will be announced later on the awards page:
That's all, thank you for your attention.
28 Декабря 2016 10:21:30
The event finished. Thank you all for participating.

5803 players participated (+1679), 2632 (+791) have supported Santa Claus (1724 (+482) terrans, 723 (+225) xerjs, 185 (+84) tosses),
3171 (+888) have supported Father Frost (2393 (+731) terrans, 629 (+112) xerjs, 149 (+45) tosses).
3201 (+1044) players were in a group up to 100 000 points, 1861 (+485) in a group from 100 000 points up to 1 000 000 points, 741 (+150) in a group with more then 1 000 000 points.
Crafty henchmen of Santa Claus managed to get 2 912 089 (+1 861 410) cones, and warriors of light of Father Frost – 2 240 924 (+887 983) cones.
35 192 (+18 719) prizes were given out for taking part in the event.
The most popular prizes were:
- Juggernaut (2 pieces included, 10 416 (+5 702)
- Hydarian crystals (3969 (+1 765)
- Battlecruiser (5 pieces per set, 3 497 (+2 244)
- Explorer (2 pieces per set, 2 770 (+2 770)
- Battleship (11 pieces in the set, 2276 (+1 211)
The rarest prizes were:
- Jouan (1 piece included, 10 (+6) given out)
- Gigashadow (1 piece included, 15 (+15) given out)
- Patriarchy (1 piece included, 19 (+8) given out)
- Supernova (1 piece included, 33 (+20) given out)
- Death Star (1 piece included, 77 (+44) given out)

5803 players participated (+1679), 2632 (+791) have supported Santa Claus (1724 (+482) terrans, 723 (+225) xerjs, 185 (+84) tosses),
3171 (+888) have supported Father Frost (2393 (+731) terrans, 629 (+112) xerjs, 149 (+45) tosses).
3201 (+1044) players were in a group up to 100 000 points, 1861 (+485) in a group from 100 000 points up to 1 000 000 points, 741 (+150) in a group with more then 1 000 000 points.
Crafty henchmen of Santa Claus managed to get 2 912 089 (+1 861 410) cones, and warriors of light of Father Frost – 2 240 924 (+887 983) cones.
35 192 (+18 719) prizes were given out for taking part in the event.
The most popular prizes were:
- Juggernaut (2 pieces included, 10 416 (+5 702)
- Hydarian crystals (3969 (+1 765)
- Battlecruiser (5 pieces per set, 3 497 (+2 244)
- Explorer (2 pieces per set, 2 770 (+2 770)
- Battleship (11 pieces in the set, 2276 (+1 211)
The rarest prizes were:
- Jouan (1 piece included, 10 (+6) given out)
- Gigashadow (1 piece included, 15 (+15) given out)
- Patriarchy (1 piece included, 19 (+8) given out)
- Supernova (1 piece included, 33 (+20) given out)
- Death Star (1 piece included, 77 (+44) given out)
16 Января 2017 21:10:45
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