ok that planet should be not allowed to send ships on recycle mission since that planet def 1k cruisers produce no debris also protects the players from stalking neighbors while you do your quest cause i do belive that ppl sends there their recycle not to recycle anything but to keep an eye for the pirates wich starts to attack the players after they complete the 2m metal 1m mineral nd 500k vesp bribing quest at the quest its says as soon as you accept reward this (Commander, we're under attack. We cannot get any response from the attackers or identify identify them, but most probably they are pirate fleets. We don't know why are they attacking us, but we should prepare to defend ourselves.)
but i m w8 2 days no attack so they block the quest causing it a bug so it should not be allowed to be camped by any player its a npc and the quest are just 10 cant have few ppl benefiting from something all players must complete i do realize this will be ignored but had to try