Сообщения пользователя: Z1992Z
Сообщение #7
надеюсь, вы сможете найти пропавшие отряды где угодно, а не в тех координатах, где вы их потеряли; если это что-то вроде экспедиции, я сомневаюсь, что вы сможете вернуть их на вражеской территории.
Сообщение #6
Please explain how xerj is overpowered lol you get hurt by dreadlisks or a pancor? Xerj has the lowest shields and take armor damage a lot easier
Сообщение #5
почему бы не снизить процент до 50-80% вместо 50-90%, получение только 10% урона перед потерей корабля в космосе кажется жестким, а 20% было бы более разумным, тогда вы могли бы проверить баланс и при необходимости скорректировать
Сообщение #4
Thank you for your input, Death Star was just an example, I do not want to gain anything from this I am over the cap, my main idea is to hold newer players interest, more people playing makes the game better, having a small bonus starting out helps their development, it isn't something that they can have forever, numbers can be changed to better suit the player base, players at low points get a 2x bonus to resources for a cheap cheap price until they go over the cap 25,000 I think? maybe cheap fuel cost can be put into that, and raise it to 50,000 points. the idea is just to add a small assist to new players that doesn't change the game dramatically doesn't have to go up to 1,000,000 points that was just a number I went with, and to put the idea out there
Сообщение #3
I'm glad your interested Kim but unfortunately you wouldn't have a 75% fleet reduction as explained you would be falling under the fading formlua at best you would be getting 90 gas reduction from a ship that costs 1000 so making it cost 910 per ship but I udnersand if that frightened you, seeing a level 100,000 who probably has about 20,000 in fleet points moving 4-5 Death Stars for 325 per ship instead of 1000 would absolutely dominate the game in no time. also no one set the 75% in stone it is an idea
the only person who would be getting 75% cost redection would be someone with 0 points and at every 100,000 points you lose 10% to the 75% once you hit 1 million you no longer have a reduction and if your so worried about them flying up the battle points make a level 75 battle experience restriction once they go over it all gas saving goes bye bye regardless of there points gotta think outside the box
the only person who would be getting 75% cost redection would be someone with 0 points and at every 100,000 points you lose 10% to the 75% once you hit 1 million you no longer have a reduction and if your so worried about them flying up the battle points make a level 75 battle experience restriction once they go over it all gas saving goes bye bye regardless of there points gotta think outside the box
Сообщение #2
My idea to help new players and keep their interest, I think players up to 1,000,000 points should get a reduced fleet cost maybe something like 75% of the cost to move that unit, but a fading formlua to the total points cap, much lower players will have a better time flying and experiencing the game a little better and as they grow they can understand they need to adapt to better gas handling for example of a player of 100,000 moved a ship that cost 1000 gas it would cost 325 instead due to the fading formlua but if a player of 500,000 moved that ship it would be 625 to move that ship and if a player of 800,000 moved ship would cost 850 per ship
if your worried about people staying under the cap to use the cheap fuel make it only stay active for 6 months after it's activated to that account should only be a tool to help newer players and other players who are in the game already under 1,000,000
if your worried about people staying under the cap to use the cheap fuel make it only stay active for 6 months after it's activated to that account should only be a tool to help newer players and other players who are in the game already under 1,000,000