Can't defend infrastructure against big player super OPS, Big players going around shooting and crashing small players infra
Hi all,
I have a complaint about just having to watch bigger players from the big alliances like CZT come and crash our gates and alstations (and even recycle all the debris).
I, and many other in our alliance work hard and enjoy very much to make moons and build infrastructure and dunkles, but when large players come with huge battle OPS with over 1 billion structure, huge defences and big fleets, we can't do anything to them. They can destroy in 1 second what we worked hard over weeks and months to build.
E.g. Tvister OPS, 2.7 billion structure, 9M defence turrets, 6.7 mill fleet can kill any infrastructure of player greater than 2.5 mill points. GEORGY battle OPS is even more amazing with 8 bill structure.
I don't mind an uneven fight. But its so unbalanced I cant even fight back a little bit. Just sit and watch and wait until they get bored or go away.
It too unfair of a fight and we are powerless to avoid this. Its demoralising and feels like sanctioned bullying!
I have a complaint about just having to watch bigger players from the big alliances like CZT come and crash our gates and alstations (and even recycle all the debris).
I, and many other in our alliance work hard and enjoy very much to make moons and build infrastructure and dunkles, but when large players come with huge battle OPS with over 1 billion structure, huge defences and big fleets, we can't do anything to them. They can destroy in 1 second what we worked hard over weeks and months to build.
E.g. Tvister OPS, 2.7 billion structure, 9M defence turrets, 6.7 mill fleet can kill any infrastructure of player greater than 2.5 mill points. GEORGY battle OPS is even more amazing with 8 bill structure.
I don't mind an uneven fight. But its so unbalanced I cant even fight back a little bit. Just sit and watch and wait until they get bored or go away.
It too unfair of a fight and we are powerless to avoid this. Its demoralising and feels like sanctioned bullying!
20 Августа 2022 02:51:19
I agree Ohnjay.
Suggestion 1: A "big" (high structure) OPS should be slower to move in free-flight than a "small" OPS so at least the "small" OPS has the opportunity to run away
Suggestion 2: Like a player gets "noob protection" maybe an OPS (or any satellite) should too...e.g. if the "big" structure is more than 10x the "small" structure it collides with the "small" one bounces away and is not destroyed...I am envisaging it getting pushed, say, 10 systems away in a random direction (more than a single teleport anyway)
Suggestion 1: A "big" (high structure) OPS should be slower to move in free-flight than a "small" OPS so at least the "small" OPS has the opportunity to run away
Suggestion 2: Like a player gets "noob protection" maybe an OPS (or any satellite) should too...e.g. if the "big" structure is more than 10x the "small" structure it collides with the "small" one bounces away and is not destroyed...I am envisaging it getting pushed, say, 10 systems away in a random direction (more than a single teleport anyway)
22 Августа 2022 18:24:31
This has been going on for a long time now. What used to be UN territory has been taken away and is being filled by other alliances, you're constantly hunted, your infrastructure is being wiped out and it's not going to change anytime soon, so my question is: why are you still there? It's a huge map with less than 10% settled and now that pirates spawn anywhere on the map where there are settlements there's no reason to stay where you aren't wanted. Why not pick an empty area on the map and start colonizing? I'm sure that if 50 or so of your active alliance members decided to move to an unsettled area, you all could build a new home in no time at all.
29 Августа 2022 09:43:38
Running away from the Russians is not an option I think.
Let me explain the reasons:
1.) Hiding 3.000 Systems away and just hunting pirates (which dont really shoot back) is boring.
2.) UN has built a nice infrastructure like planets, shop, gates, Alliance Stations which cannot be moved.
3.) The crazy Russians attack you after some time anyway
What UN should do ( and I think they are already doing it ) is to go after the infrastructure of CZT:
- attack every Terran planet and kill the Solar Sats
- attack every Asteroid of CZT
- steal OPS from CZT
- destroy CZT Alliance stations
- destroy CZT gates
all what the Russians normally describe as service attacks.
It's like in the Ukraine war. The Russians are way ahead in Weapons and Numbers. But the much smaller Ukraine forces can hurt them every day and demoralize them.
CZT are not all warriors, most of them are miners and farmers.
When you hit their infrastructure, you can probably force a draw after some time
Running away from the Russians is not an option I think.
Let me explain the reasons:
1.) Hiding 3.000 Systems away and just hunting pirates (which dont really shoot back) is boring.
2.) UN has built a nice infrastructure like planets, shop, gates, Alliance Stations which cannot be moved.
3.) The crazy Russians attack you after some time anyway
What UN should do ( and I think they are already doing it ) is to go after the infrastructure of CZT:
- attack every Terran planet and kill the Solar Sats
- attack every Asteroid of CZT
- steal OPS from CZT
- destroy CZT Alliance stations
- destroy CZT gates
all what the Russians normally describe as service attacks.
It's like in the Ukraine war. The Russians are way ahead in Weapons and Numbers. But the much smaller Ukraine forces can hurt them every day and demoralize them.
CZT are not all warriors, most of them are miners and farmers.
When you hit their infrastructure, you can probably force a draw after some time
29 Августа 2022 11:06:40

Репутация 2414
Группа Government
Альянс Combining the Zerg and Terran

Цитата: Ohnjay
we lived peacefully and did not harm or interfere with anyone! until your killfast player decides to catch our players on pirates! but they did not pay attention to it! then, when our player decided to leave the game, we wanted to take his ops for ourselves, and in response, from your player SusiS, we heard threats, and quite insulting, and you didn’t let us pick up and take these ops, but destroyed them !!! and I, as an ala diplomat, tried to negotiate peacefully without resorting to conflicts! so what are you waiting for now? that we will tolerate your antics?like i said before: it will stop when i get those 5 lost ops back from you!! the decision is yours!!
29 Августа 2022 13:45:07

Репутация 2346
Группа humans
Альянс Combining the Zerg and Terran

То есть, пока Вы, UN, били наших мелких, сносили им сервис это было нормально? А когда Ал вступился за своих игроков и дал Вам по щам, это не справедливо? ... И еще, если вы будете уничтожать наши алки, мы вас обнулим вообще, ничего личного.
29 Августа 2022 14:01:39

Репутация 2414
Группа Government
Альянс Combining the Zerg and Terran

Toffsla77, брат пусть санкции введут пиндосы ))))))))))))
29 Августа 2022 14:12:48

Репутация 214
Группа humans
Альянс Combining the Zerg and Terran

I have been with you more than once to conduct dialogues and resolve issues peacefully, there were pacts and alliances.
But you are one of the first who, under the pretext of an alliance, set up and turned on new al stations on the territory of our network, wrote to you more than once and had questions.
Me and my alliance will never be the first to go into aggression. It just went too far. And then I also tried to start a dialogue, but you didn’t want to, and made everything even more complicated.
I went to dialogue with them and offered them to resolve the issue. But there were only threats, I will never allow an alliance against a weaker one or who does not show aggression to start such a war.
everyone knows my policy and position, including you, but you say that they would start beating our people, aren't you ashamed?
I have been with you more than once to conduct dialogues and resolve issues peacefully, there were pacts and alliances.
But you are one of the first who, under the pretext of an alliance, set up and turned on new al stations on the territory of our network, wrote to you more than once and had questions.
Me and my alliance will never be the first to go into aggression. It just went too far. And then I also tried to start a dialogue, but you didn’t want to, and made everything even more complicated.
I went to dialogue with them and offered them to resolve the issue. But there were only threats, I will never allow an alliance against a weaker one or who does not show aggression to start such a war.
everyone knows my policy and position, including you, but you say that they would start beating our people, aren't you ashamed?
29 Августа 2022 14:37:12
It is somewhat significant that after each of our wars for the last 4 years (rat nest, hollow Diefast, big tehb destroyer and so on) you always peacefully take over a part of our territory and as the "heavenly people" (Serbs) you declare the same area "the hearth of the ages".
and it is even more significant that the moment when the small alliances fight back and find a way to make the game as equal as possible, the rules are instantly changed... and of course, not in favor of the small ones.
ah, that key part of the ex-UN player's infrastructure is hurting you the most now
and it is even more significant that the moment when the small alliances fight back and find a way to make the game as equal as possible, the rules are instantly changed... and of course, not in favor of the small ones.
Цитата: Tvister100
like i said before: it will stop when i get those 5 lost ops back from you!! the decision is yours!!
ah, that key part of the ex-UN player's infrastructure is hurting you the most now
30 Августа 2022 10:55:22

Репутация 2414
Группа Government
Альянс Combining the Zerg and Terran

we did not seize your territory, this is already a pure lie! not when we didn't bother you, even when you had a war with the SHADOW Alliance, we didn't take away your territory, but waited for you to restore everything there!!! and what is the result? we are threatened by this crazy lady and even destroyed the OPS of our player who has always been in our alliance !! at the same time, you say that he is your player and ops are yours))))
you need to go to the doctor to cure your head!!!
you need to go to the doctor to cure your head!!!
30 Августа 2022 19:39:53
so, players like: TequilaDidj, RoboKAKTYC and mirrorrim who after leaving our alliance entered CZT to protect their infrastructure from tehb destruction and became the greatest enemies of the UN are "like" your players since the beginning of the server???
https://prnt.sc/fUwDq5tIciOX expelled for their correct views on the Russian occupation of Ukraine
SyrusLark, Graale, Fafnir and many others, all ex-UN respectively
I understand that everyone is fighting in their own way at a given moment as best they can and I appreciate that
and now I should heal my head
so, players like: TequilaDidj, RoboKAKTYC and mirrorrim who after leaving our alliance entered CZT to protect their infrastructure from tehb destruction and became the greatest enemies of the UN are "like" your players since the beginning of the server???
https://prnt.sc/fUwDq5tIciOX expelled for their correct views on the Russian occupation of Ukraine
SyrusLark, Graale, Fafnir and many others, all ex-UN respectively
I understand that everyone is fighting in their own way at a given moment as best they can and I appreciate that
and now I should heal my head
31 Августа 2022 03:34:26

Репутация 2414
Группа Government
Альянс Combining the Zerg and Terran

SPIRITUS2111, the fact that they were once in your alliance does not mean that they are your players!!! they wanted to leave you and left!!! I was in the alliance known as DT 4 years ago, what does it mean that I belong to them??? YOU'RE WRONG!!! as I said earlier, the price does not matter, I will do it so you will give me 5 ops to replace the destroyed ones!!!
1 Сентября 2022 21:39:09
@Twister and Valentin:
I'm not U.N. and not supporting U.N and I'm not allied with UN.
In fact I have my own problems with Stein/SusiS/Hardstone
What I meant is, that the bigger Alliances have much bigger possibilties than the smaller ones.
And in case of an conflict I would use these Guerilla tactics and try to survive.
That's the only way the smaller alliances can defend themselves.
But to be honest: Yes - she is crazy. And I would avoid war with CZT, if I would be leader of U.N.
I try with my small Alliance to find "forgotten" fleets on plantes. No matter if these Fleets are from U.N. / CZT or Shadows. That's normal play - not war.
When I'm not at war, I'm not doing Service attacks.
When I'm at war with another alliance, I do service attacks. And yes these attacks can even hurt bigger alliances.
I'm not U.N. and not supporting U.N and I'm not allied with UN.
In fact I have my own problems with Stein/SusiS/Hardstone
What I meant is, that the bigger Alliances have much bigger possibilties than the smaller ones.
And in case of an conflict I would use these Guerilla tactics and try to survive.
That's the only way the smaller alliances can defend themselves.
But to be honest: Yes - she is crazy. And I would avoid war with CZT, if I would be leader of U.N.
I try with my small Alliance to find "forgotten" fleets on plantes. No matter if these Fleets are from U.N. / CZT or Shadows. That's normal play - not war.
When I'm not at war, I'm not doing Service attacks.
When I'm at war with another alliance, I do service attacks. And yes these attacks can even hurt bigger alliances.
2 Сентября 2022 00:23:39

Репутация 2414
Группа Government
Альянс Combining the Zerg and Terran

Tauriel, My friend, I do not dispute that you are doing everything right! whoever did not hide his fleet is to blame himself! but here we are talking about the fact that the head of the UN is really crazy , several people politely asked her not to make such mistakes , but in response they received threats and insults ! well , what did it lead to ? they lost a lot of satellites, as well as ops, for which a lot of resources and money were spent!!!
2 Сентября 2022 22:18:45
so czt claim not to bully the smaller players but yet a 56mil player tried to steal my ops even tho i cannot do the same back and im a 100k player https://prnt.sc/d5SEYRkDC7Gt i wouldnt call we dont pick on smaller players statement fair but to be fair his fleet did make nice debrie when it died :D
3 Сентября 2022 10:53:01
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