The Bugs forum thread is not just for reporting bugs to the administration. It is intended to solve technical problems encountered in the game. Before creating a topic, you should check to see if there is a topic with the bug that you want to report. In order to report bugs or glitches, you can create a new thread instead of writing in the existing threads. Topics with the title Bug, Glitch will not be considered. Try to put a brief description of your problem in the title of the topic. If the problem described above occurred on another account, be sure to specify the account where it occurred.
Ответственный: Не задан
A few things, for the 'not a bug' list
1 Wrong description of Viking
official http://prntscr.com/tmahzc
but the description when i buy one "Up to half of killed Vikings can recover, and the rest will not give debris and battle experience to the enemy.";" http://prntscr.com/tmaj62
"The period between volleys
14 seconds" http://prntscr.com/tmajpr
2 Omission from changelog http://prntscr.com/tmakor; spy ships in attack mission no longer count in fleet points at least for 'torn to shreds' calculation, BUT, they are shown http://prntscr.com/tmam8b as points when you send them
3 Langauge errors in message; when a bestiary is destroyed and you lose a lot, the system message says"After Bestiary destruction at planet UPU-1 [133:733:2] all lots were annuled and control over the flying Gigalords was lost.
xxx ships" http://prntscr.com/tmaoe2 this should end "lost: or Losses:" also Annulled has a double L.
4 A spy sent to a planet with no active weapons of any kind can still get destroyed, but by what? It clearly isn't the ships in FAS...Also noted 0% destroy chance http://prntscr.com/tmauut .
5 "When capturing an orbital pirate station, planetary pirate station, temple, asteroid, the power of all mining buildings and units is set to 100%, the activity of the entire defense is activated.""http://prntscr.com/tmbm5i . It's my understanding most of these do not support mining of any kind....
6 and Ill add a new one; Unable to build units http://prntscr.com/tmeuij not at any planet of terran or xerj
....EDIT seems to have righted itself, but affected everyone in the chat at the time.
official http://prntscr.com/tmahzc
but the description when i buy one "Up to half of killed Vikings can recover, and the rest will not give debris and battle experience to the enemy.";" http://prntscr.com/tmaj62
"The period between volleys
14 seconds" http://prntscr.com/tmajpr
2 Omission from changelog http://prntscr.com/tmakor; spy ships in attack mission no longer count in fleet points at least for 'torn to shreds' calculation, BUT, they are shown http://prntscr.com/tmam8b as points when you send them
3 Langauge errors in message; when a bestiary is destroyed and you lose a lot, the system message says"After Bestiary destruction at planet UPU-1 [133:733:2] all lots were annuled and control over the flying Gigalords was lost.
xxx ships" http://prntscr.com/tmaoe2 this should end "lost: or Losses:" also Annulled has a double L.
4 A spy sent to a planet with no active weapons of any kind can still get destroyed, but by what? It clearly isn't the ships in FAS...Also noted 0% destroy chance http://prntscr.com/tmauut .
5 "When capturing an orbital pirate station, planetary pirate station, temple, asteroid, the power of all mining buildings and units is set to 100%, the activity of the entire defense is activated.""http://prntscr.com/tmbm5i . It's my understanding most of these do not support mining of any kind....
6 and Ill add a new one; Unable to build units http://prntscr.com/tmeuij not at any planet of terran or xerj
....EDIT seems to have righted itself, but affected everyone in the chat at the time.

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Выдал медаль: Victoria
22 Июля 2020 06:39:00
Цитата: Sheepleville
"The period between volleys
14 seconds"
14 seconds"
There's a delay between updating a combat engine data (which is instantaneous) and propagating those updates into in-game descriptions (for optimization purposes). Unit descriptions should be synchronized with yesterday changes now.
22 Июля 2020 14:12:38
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