Backwards Economy, Pirates - Productioon

Группа guest
Decision makers,

I am not quite sure what you all are trying to do here. However, If spawning low rss pirates and terrible production rates is what you have in mind for the game. You have certainly done a good job. I am not really seeing much point of playing the game more than 20-30 minutes a day now. I can't send my fleets out to do much of anything at this point. I among many other paying players probably will not be spending much more money on this game. Seems kind of pointless right now. I guess I will park my ships for a while till I see a change.

Kind regards,

14 Июня 2020 16:56:38
14 Июня 2020 16:56:38
Группа guest
I have tried to warn players in other threads about this, this game is going downhill fast. The past year has been nothing but nerfs, price increases and tax hikes. Do not invest in this game, I say this as someone who wants to eat new players however hates seeing this project rob more people.
15 Июня 2020 09:46:04
15 Июня 2020 09:46:04
Группа guest
Look, guys...

When someone start a business, it is for earn money. If Admins here are not making money enough, they wont care about their players.

If they wants to make players to spend more money, they will take decisions that enforces all of us to buy more HC. That's what they are trying to do. Not the best way, but...

I have sent my fleets to exploration for more than a month, it is because I know I cant use it any more due to the high fuel consumption. So to fly is no more reliable. In time I will be force to abandon the game (as much others players) because I am not so stupid enough to fall in spend more money on a game that tomorrow could change a policy that make my 'investment' useless.

Players that dont buy HC are nt useful for admins. So they take decisions that smash them all.

you pay or you leave!!!!

If I will 'invest' real money on a game, it will be a game that ensure to me, I will not lose my investment for later decision from admins.

this game is not worthy US$ 20.00 a month, there are a lot of more quality, graphics worked, and respectful to players games out there.
The good thing is I have bought HC through paypal, so, I should keep what I have bought.
15 Июня 2020 18:09:26
15 Июня 2020 18:09:26
Группа guest
If Admins here are not making money enough, they wont care about their players.

That is exactly what they should be doing. Caring about their existing customer base. Primarily those that have spent hard earned money. Those are the people who are most likely to spend again supporting the game. For new players there has to be something attractive for them to spend. Frankly at present there is not a lot going for it with new players to encourage them to spend.

There is a thing called churn in business. The current model they have adopted will create greater churn. If they don't address it relatively soon it will devastate their business and they will be forced to shut up shop and there will be no game to play.

For those that don't know what churn is, imagine a bucket with a hole in the bottom. As you pour water into the top so some will leak out of the hole in the bottom. Depending on how big the hole is will depend on fast you lose the water. Its the same principal with a business. You will lose customers over time and dependant on how well you treat those customers or not will depend on how big the hole is in the bottom of your bucket and how fast you lose customers.

The water pouring into the top has to at least keep pace with the leak in the bottom to remain at the same level. Increase the amount going into the top and you could get overflow. Overflow is equally dangerous. More customers than you can handle creates a slap dash approach itself will cause churn.

It is well known that 1 dis-satisfied customer will tell on average 8 to 10 people about their poor experiences. A satisfied customer on the other hand will normally only tell 1 to 2 other people.

Now relate that to a business. A small business will probably have low churn. Larger businesses have a larger churn. Small businesses usually have very good customer relations and keep hold of their customers very well and only lose them due to some form of ineptness causing bad feelings. As they grow they start to encounter churn on a regular basis.

Now bigger businesses try to keep hold of their customers by various means from offering special deals to offering rewards for the amount you spend. They may sound the same, they are not. Rewards can take many forms from reduced cost for a period of time to extra on top of your purchases and can include items sent by post. Special deals are usually in the form of buy one get one free.

The pretty advertising is creating an inflow. However, that in itself can cause problems if they have not invested in the infrastructure to support new customers. This will be the overflow and both a loss and drain on the business.

XCraft need to wake up. It's all very well and good putting out pretty advertising pictures and attracting more people. However. looking at the number of planets that have
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is very telling in itself. What is happening that new players interest is not held for very long. That in itself is very high churn. They cannot afford to ostracise their existing paying customer base. Doing so will create more churn.

Am I teaching you to suck eggs? If so then I apologise to those who are initiates.

OK the people who own this game may be a small business I don't know. However, if they are small and carry on the current trend of upsetting their existing spending customer base they will go out of business regardless of how much advertising they do, how many new players they attract or web links they form with other game sites and popular social sites such as Face Book.

Not all people are daft and they will see though the smoke and mirrors. When they do particularly with social sites the news will go round very rapidly to avoid because there is something wrong.

As a relatively new player of the game it upsets me to see so much complaining from the established players. Frankly it does not make me feel that I should spend my hard earned money on a game where there are so many issues being highlighted by them.

Just spent a valuable HC on this post. It sucks that people are not able to express their opinions freely.
15 Июня 2020 22:09:25
15 Июня 2020 22:09:25
Группа guest
I really do appreciate all of your thoughts. I started this game in late March and I was very excited about, in fact my spending habits reflect my excitement for the game. I am not saying that I am not going to play it anymore, but I have decided that I am not going to supplement my basic needs in game with hard earned cash in order to play it. That money that I put into the game should not have to be spent on vespin. Rather, it should be reserved for buying cool stuff like a space wanderer or a death star or a speed up for a technology that I have been craving. All that being said and what you all have mentioned is, I guess the status quo.

As they say, cut your losses. I am not there yet, but if I am left to wait for my production of vespin to build up or waiting 6 hours for the next spawn to emerge in hopes that I might gather enough crumbs to send out a fleet. My interest will disintegrate rapidly and the game will be left with one less player that was and is to some degree willing to put some money into the game.

P.S. Please knock off the HC fee for posting, unless that is your way of saying that you do not want to hear from your player base.
16 Июня 2020 01:26:22
16 Июня 2020 01:26:22
Группа guest
Цитата: hunts
As they say, cut your losses. I am not there yet, but if I am left to wait for my production of vespin to build up or waiting 6 hours for the next spawn to emerge in hopes that I might gather enough crumbs to send out a fleet. My interest will disintegrate rapidly and the game will be left with one less player that was and is to some degree willing to put some money into the game.
Bro, you will not have to wait 6 hours to send a decent fleet to fly, as you will discover, I talk to you from my own experience, you will need at least 6 days ;)
Or, you can buy HC in order to buy vespene

P.S. admins have not to say any more that they not want to hear from their base player.

P.P.D If you checkout past topics, you will find that players are unconfortable due to admins decisions, and admins... they dont care a ****.
16 Июня 2020 14:23:48
16 Июня 2020 14:23:48
Группа guest
This day we are all keeping the forces to go into the batle, not just to destroy, also to earn the resources to keep the societery safe and cure, the strategy will be retunr to attack and defence on blocks, and nobody will fill pain or morder die, and tomorrow, we will keep in safe; in the base, on our standars.-

Just to keep the meint on safe place, and no desist on the batle, now days its neccesary keep the forces, and give an oportunity; just to chance to keep our humanity.

We will survivor as we can, but now; is our own violance that no keep it safe our societery, our civil and armony societery, just containing this violance, that no equip our forces and intentions.

Go for the batlle! and die as the soldiers that we are!
8 Января 2021 21:16:33
8 Января 2021 21:16:33


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