I just noticed when firing missiles at ops, the no longer doing the damage they say they do in description or at all.
https://prnt.sc/ohlopc (26,400 damage per missile) I have been firing them in groups of 30 and saw them doing damage to structure until now. I also have 2 guns firing at the ops which is why there is some difference in health. I started
https://prnt.sc/ohlocy Then my first volley
https://prnt.sc/ohlofq I had it set to all for target. Then I tried to set the target to the hydarian defence installations
https://prnt.sc/ohlpd8. Then lastly I targeted the planetary defence
Please fix this! Missiles are not doing anymore damage to structure and I need to saw thru OPS quickly.
https://prnt.sc/ohlvaf spy report times,
https://prnt.sc/ohlvch start, and then after 30 missiles targeted at planetary defence