new to the game and here are some random questions to which i d like answers.
1) as a new player, i put resource to get FAS technology. some random weaker player attack me and steal next to nothing. 1 day later i go to my ressources and see that i pay 5% due to the player that attacked me ( THANKS FOR THE NOTIFICATION AND EXPLANATION ABOUT THAT (sarcasm)) so how do i take it off? i attacked the player destroyed his fleet and probably made him stop playing the game forever but i still pay due...
2) we have the 1st lvl price for premium officers, what s their CRP?
3)it s great to have the math formula for providers but i don t understand anything about it. no mather how i try the formula on my phone i get a 2-3 metal production yet i can see in ressources that it give me 30-40 and it diminue the more i make providers.
4)if i m not here to manually make my providers retreat 7 minutes b4 an attack they die because of the warm up... any way to prevent that or a magic technology that restore x% of the destroyed providers?
5) the 1st tutotial attack killed half my starting little fleet with a 17 minutes time to react and build a defence (production time of a single unit 20+ minutes, can t do anything to prevent the loss) i d like to be spoiled about the future aggressions this tutorial will make to prevent a bullsh*t attack to destroy me.
6)as a kserg, any advice to counter the tosses units and their 25-75% bonus damage against organic ennemy (me)? (yes i am currently reading a part of the tech tree in the help option to get a part of the information this game will never give me)
7) wtf is a signal and signal consumption the forum ask me?
thats it for now i may think of questions in the future and post them here and they probably have been answered in a dark corner of the forum where i will never find them even if i writte every word related to it but oh well i don t want to spend an hour searching the forum for 1 answer. and pls just answer the questions i don t need comments about the visible frustration i have about the lack information the game provide. Good Day