Quote: mh1
No, as Galactus said above, looting was a 30 day accumulative resources, so whatever you raided on day one is removed from your total on day 31 etc etc, a "rolling 30 day".
That is how it used to be, however it would seem that now a standard 50% penalty is applied all the time, apparently to address balance issues, cannot really see the thinking behind this....but if you look back over the last 6 months some of the game changes have been beyond reason.
So, now do you know what's going on mh1?
Does this happen to all level players while looting grays? What about raiding active players, is it now 25%? If you overloot do you still get penalized another 25%?
Quote: mh1
It would seem that whoever is implementing changes is determined to sabotage the game and shed players.....only us crazies continue to play, if you still want to play, go to your doctor for depression medication, it will really help
Agreed 100%. This is a raiding game. Reducing loot from raids is like shooting yourself in the foot:( If this is going on, it's time for us to leave...