Сообщения пользователя: PPF2

Тема: commander 10 | 29 Января 2025 15:17:00
Сообщение #4
i quit to but just for principali'm loging in once a week to keep my planets active as farms for who ever is interested
if you see my planets do not hesitate to raid they are full > i disabled defences
Тема: UI display glitch | 18 Марта 2024 20:10:07
Сообщение #3
The user on whose account the problem was detected:

My any of my planets

Date or time of the incident (according to server time):
2024.03.18 19:10:04

number of slots when sending fleet is buged

using https://xcraft.net/ with english ui not using any translation don't have any plugins ins my chrome
Actions required to repeat the problem:
was sending many colony ship to (?) planets to identify them but not sure if this is related

Тема: Additional loss of damaged fleet units at the end of battle | 27 Января 2024 20:13:28
Сообщение #2
Not sure how the calculation work but something seems wrong...


in this battle;
all other ships shield was 90% or more...
my destroyer shield was always 50% or more

the destroyers took some damage
initial armor : 3 259 201
armor at round 7: 3 152 556 (took value at round 7 as only overloards as enemy and they do 0 damage ...)
armor lost : 106 645

at the end of the battle report i lost 3 Destroyers (lost in space)
a Destroyer has 25 663 armor

for battle batlle cruiser :
initial armor : 1 649 431
armor at round 7: 1 624 951 (took value at round 7 as only overloards as enemy and they do 0 damage ...)
armor lost : 24 480
at the end of the battle report i lost 1 battle cruiser (lost in space)
a battle battles cruiser has 16 331 armor

same for science wessels

the damage is not spread acrosse the fleet ...
so since this change batles are like putting all your ships in one line only the first ship takes damage once it's killed the next ship start taking damage
ship1 > ship2 > ship3 > ship4 > ship5

this is called taking turn on executing the front ship of the enemy and not a strategic battle any more ...

this battle took place close to my planet if i undestand correctly 1000km is one solar system > so should be less than 10000 km...(i asume)
"Part of the destroyed fleet will be send to the closest object (besides asteroid, temple and planetary pirate station) with a shipyard (incubator, stargate) in a range upto 10 000 ckm for recovery. Fleet units need 72 hours if battle was at the object or at it high orbit; 144 hours if battle was in the object’s solar system, and 288 hours if battle was outside the solar system."

any body know how the chance of "Repair of fleet" works do you just wait 288 (12days for a flight that took me 15 min) and maybe some thing will show up in your ship yard ? or is there a way to know how many will apear in your shipyard ?

"- no experience is awarded to anyone for these losses;"
in the battle report we can see ☠ Swarm got "307 experience point(s)" ?

"- if more than 50% armour is left, the unit will be lost to star coordinates without debris drop (such units will be used in future new game mechanics);"
they are lost but acounter for so when "future mecanic" will be in place ? they will be taken in to consideration?
they are lost foever and not acounted? > so we should stop fighting and wait for the "future mecanic" to be inplace and decide if we should fight at that point in time?

I was previously more like a farmer thant a combatant christmas event motivated me to create a fleet and kill some pirate will return to my farming and see...

ps maybe add the ability to join recyclers or other (give recylers the ability to repair same speed as recycling) to the fleet and spend the remaining time or battle letting the "repair unit" repair the ship (consuming resource in hold for the repair equivalent to the damage that is repaired) and once battle ends apply your current calculation > that would make the game more realistic ...
Тема: Piarate rate dropped | 16 Апреля 2023 20:22:35
Сообщение #1
For me I stoped hunting pirated 2 reasons:

1) same as in this topic not enought pirates any more and not suficient resourecs (size of pirat fleet) to cover the time invested and vespen cost.
2) since the reduction of FAS capacity (due to flret point increase), I have to spread my freet across all my planets so 1 planet does not hold enough to attack.
When i want to attack any thing pirat/player/inactive i need
> to consolidate my fleet (~2-4 hours)
> attack (not many good target close by so ususally even in the past took 30min-2h to attack a target
> collect the resources
> wait for fleet to retun after attack
> then send fleet home to each planet (2-3 hours)..
I can be online max 6 hours on a good day so the only thing i'm doing is wasting time waiting and vespen to regroup and send home and almost no time to attack ...

now > 6H online 90% waiting + wasting Vespene for almost 0 resources in return ...
Before > I would spend my vespen production on attacking pirates or some time inactive players...

so i stoped attacking and i'm now a farmer using cache and expedition to consentrate my own production and use it for reasearch or upgrading buildings so i can build more...
simcity insted of war game ...