Сообщения пользователя: kotek
Сообщение #44
But they do care about smaller players. Already fighting small players without losses is hard due to 99,9% change. So you can setup your def to make it unprofitable to be attacked. This was not the case before the change. Also you see that lost ships go to :0 coords and already you can see them in the galaxy panel. They did rework expeditions recently. No saves and giving something every 24h only. The next logical thing is to have expeditions being able to return some of those ships. This is exactly aimed for small players since amount of expeditions you can run is limited and does not scale as you grow.
I am quite confident that I am among people most negatively affected by the change to losses since I hunt huge amount of pirates. But still I think it's a very much needed. Communication sucks, but the change does not imho.
I am quite confident that I am among people most negatively affected by the change to losses since I hunt huge amount of pirates. But still I think it's a very much needed. Communication sucks, but the change does not imho.
Сообщение #43
It's 99,9%. Victoria did not update the message. See feed or this topic:
Сообщение #42
Not sure what you are talking about.
- Regeneration does not regenrate armour for a long time now, so not sure how relevant it is.
- shields are exactly what counts if you fight pirates. Xerj has lowest making it way worse in farming.
- xerj pierces shields, but there is also corsairs and EMP. Less ideal but still very good for pvp.
For the officer it makes little sense early in the game. The highest % per HC spent you get at levels 1 and 2 with 3*67HC for 1%. I took pancor as an example and res costs in HC from current market graphs. I would have to loose over 1200 pancors for the officer to pay back. On the higher levels it's even more.
To compare, improving structure also reduces losses because same damage goes into more armour thus reducing %. I'll save you the rather boring math but for xerj every level of structure tech reduces critical losses by 8% meaning it is worth 8 times more then 2 levels of officer. Again, comparing with the market prices in HC the 18th level of tech is much better investment then buying officer in terms of critical losses reduction. Before lvl 19 it's probbaly good idea to buy 2 lvls of the officer. But how many people has structure above 18? Top 5%? Maybe less. So I am not sure how this is extracting money, really.
- Regeneration does not regenrate armour for a long time now, so not sure how relevant it is.
- shields are exactly what counts if you fight pirates. Xerj has lowest making it way worse in farming.
- xerj pierces shields, but there is also corsairs and EMP. Less ideal but still very good for pvp.
For the officer it makes little sense early in the game. The highest % per HC spent you get at levels 1 and 2 with 3*67HC for 1%. I took pancor as an example and res costs in HC from current market graphs. I would have to loose over 1200 pancors for the officer to pay back. On the higher levels it's even more.
To compare, improving structure also reduces losses because same damage goes into more armour thus reducing %. I'll save you the rather boring math but for xerj every level of structure tech reduces critical losses by 8% meaning it is worth 8 times more then 2 levels of officer. Again, comparing with the market prices in HC the 18th level of tech is much better investment then buying officer in terms of critical losses reduction. Before lvl 19 it's probbaly good idea to buy 2 lvls of the officer. But how many people has structure above 18? Top 5%? Maybe less. So I am not sure how this is extracting money, really.
Сообщение #41
Сообщение #40
Цитата: Brutoss
Best to know how to hide it, how to survive without loses.
hahahahahha. Do you even read balance notes?
Сообщение #38
There is no war game without farming. I do understand that changes are needed to somehow make big fleets stop being untouchable, but this is just not the way. If you want people to fight make fleets easier to build and harder to maintain, hide. Hiding has been addressed (to some extend), but instead of working out amortization administration decide to go for losses which affects farming more then fighting. Now resources are hard to get so fleets are hard to build so noone wants to risk them.
I do realize that I have my pirate aggressions exceptionaly high but I did run some simulation and at this moment, with 99.9% armor for ship loose chance I am by far not able to statistically make any profit from pirates. Not with xerj shields. A single unit with high shields is Devourer which burns so much gas it is not able to earn for travel costs.
The resources in this game come from pirates. Planet production is only giving you enough early on and to rebuild pirate hunting fleets when they have been destroyed. Without that income people who want farm can't farm. Without farmers people who raid have nothing to raid. Without people to raid all those battle exp chasers have nothing to chase. So we are all just sitting on our arses waiting.
And all the big fleets are still there, big. Because even if too big to handle the amortization costs that only increases fuel costs (but hey, we are not flying these days). So either exclude pirates from 'wounded' feature or put it back on some 50% where you can still fight them and go add losses to amortization exceedence.
Yh. This topic was not meant for that, I am sorry. I want to only here point out changes that nerfs xerj more then others. Change with losses related to armour affects xerj more since regeneration does not work during combat anymore and shields of xerj are by far the lowest.
On the bright side needles and dreads are now the ultimate tool of revenge, but since no one risks their fleets anymore this is for nothing.
I do realize that I have my pirate aggressions exceptionaly high but I did run some simulation and at this moment, with 99.9% armor for ship loose chance I am by far not able to statistically make any profit from pirates. Not with xerj shields. A single unit with high shields is Devourer which burns so much gas it is not able to earn for travel costs.
The resources in this game come from pirates. Planet production is only giving you enough early on and to rebuild pirate hunting fleets when they have been destroyed. Without that income people who want farm can't farm. Without farmers people who raid have nothing to raid. Without people to raid all those battle exp chasers have nothing to chase. So we are all just sitting on our arses waiting.
And all the big fleets are still there, big. Because even if too big to handle the amortization costs that only increases fuel costs (but hey, we are not flying these days). So either exclude pirates from 'wounded' feature or put it back on some 50% where you can still fight them and go add losses to amortization exceedence.
Yh. This topic was not meant for that, I am sorry. I want to only here point out changes that nerfs xerj more then others. Change with losses related to armour affects xerj more since regeneration does not work during combat anymore and shields of xerj are by far the lowest.
On the bright side needles and dreads are now the ultimate tool of revenge, but since no one risks their fleets anymore this is for nothing.
Сообщение #36
Would maybe changing regeneration be an option? Since now it completely duplicates with structure (both just increase effective hp) just more expensive. It could reduce lost hp at the end of combat before calculating losses from wounds. It makes so much more sesnse. Plus again, xerj has no ships with high shields to fight pirates.
Сообщение #35
So again we reduced xerj to nothing. They cannot tank pirates on shields like other races and regen hes been removed long time ago. With reintroducing losses at 90% zerg cannot farm in the game anymore.
Сообщение #34
After changing expo mechanics, commander 10 does nothing. Any plans/ideas for a rework?
Сообщение #32
Fuel consumption for Entity flights has been increased by 1.25-2.5 times.
Сообщение #31
Цитата: UncleanOne
You can't modify it to view old cost table for ColT (I made it on my test server), but you can recreate it in any table processor (Google Docs tables, LibreOffice Calc etc), the math is not complicated there.

Misread again, not the old CRP, right...
Сообщение #30
I've misread it maybe and thought it was only affecting toss buildings. Still huuge nerf xerj
Сообщение #29
I'll just keep on adding here. Debris from lift was changed from 50% to 10% without even announce in balance notes. That is very big nerf.
Сообщение #28
Oh, that is so much nicer then receiving it at random moment for robbers to take.
Сообщение #27
Technology is now gone, but 50% was not refunded.
Сообщение #26
You need to send a ship with at least 100k cargo hold along with recyclers. For human that would be colony ship or juggernaut.
Сообщение #25
Zoom out galaxy map